Annalisa Zanotti in Inser

30 years with Inser: congratulations Annalisa!

30 years with Inser: congratulations Annalisa!

Annalisa Zanotti in Inser

Today we want to congratulate Annalisa Zanotti for having reached an important goal: her 30 years of work in Inser!

Annalisa is currently an Executive Account at our headquarters in Trento, where she manages a team of people and important customers. He is a competent professional figure and authoritative voice within the company and the sector in which we operate.


During these 30 years, Annalisa has demonstrated commitment, passion for work and constant attention to customer needs. Thanks to his dedication, talent and determination he has achieved important goals in his professional career.


Annalisa is a positive example for all of us here in Inser, we are proud to have a person like her in our team. Congratulations Annalisa for this great achievement, and thank you for everything you have done for Inser and for our customers.


Inser Spa al fianco di salumificio Coati

Inser Spa alongside Salumificio Coati

Inser Spa alongside Salumificio Coati

Inser Spa al fianco di salumificio Coati

Inser Spa expresses closeness and support to the Coati family and the employees of the Salumificio F.lli Coati in Arbizzano, hard hit in recent days by a dramatic fire.

As insurance broker Insper Spa has activated all the support activities for the management of the claim, putting at the service of the Coati family experience and professionalism.


In addition to ensuring maximum support and a constant presence alongside the Coati family, the goal is to help lift the plant so that it can be operational as soon as possible.


Inser Spa is "Champion of Growth 2023"

Inser Spa is "Champion of Growth 2023"

Made in Italy flagship SMEs: Inser Spa is among the 800 champions of growth that drive the economic development, and not only, of our country.

Rigorous, objective and scientific selection criteria to identify what the German Institute for Quality and Finance defines as "The champions of growth"

Despite the crisis of recent years that has touched almost all sectors of the economy, there is a dynamic and innovative Italy, which through new products or services and often exports worldwide, creates jobs and distributes wealth and wealth in the territory. To this Italy, the German Institute of Quality and Finance (ITQF) dedicated its latest study "The champions of growth", which selected 800 companies-engine of recovery based on the average annual growth in the three-year period 2018-2021. This is the fifth edition of a survey that rewards the excellence of the Italian economy. To enter the ranking it is necessary to show an average annual growth rate of more than 11.3% in the three years considered.

"Our goal is to give notoriety to the Italian companies that drive the economy and contribute, thanks to their dynamism, to provide new impulses to the economy and society - explains Christian Bieker, the director of the German Quality and Finance Institute - Being among the "magnificent 800" and receiving recognition for their entrepreneurial performance is a huge source of pride, as well as visible and official proof of their corporate success. All companies that fall within the official ranking can use the award awarded, the well-known seal of quality, for marketing purposes. This helps to increase interest from potential partners, customers and investors as well as to gain new contacts and business opportunities".

Read the full story on "La Repubblica"


Agibroker joins the Inser group

Agibroker joins the Inser group

In recent days, the acquisition of the company Agibroker, a forty-year-old company from Vicenza, by Inser, one of the most important insurance brokerage companies in the Italian market with a branch already operating in Vicenza, has been completed.

It was Alberto Galletti, at the end of the seventies, who set up a staff of specialists and made insurance consulting a real «mission», spreading the culture of insurance risk and becoming a reference point for businesses in an entire territory. This is thanks to a constant work of support to the customer and above all to the construction of insurance products tailored to small or large companies and in particular for the entire goldsmith industry.


The integration of the organizational structure of Agibroker and the consequent expansion of the Vicenza headquarters are added to the headquarters of Trento and the offices of Milan, Brescia, Bergamo, Vicenza, Udine, Parma and Rieti with a national team of over 150 employees and collaborators.


"We are very satisfied with the operation, which was possible thanks to the valuable contribution of Dr. Gherardo Barbini, President of WIN srl. In the process of continuous expansion that we are realizing from some years, we have characterized in Agibroker an ideal partner for the common approach to the market and the customer - commented Inser CEO Pierpaolo Ruggeri. Moreover, with this acquisition we enter the capital of WIN, independent wholesale broker and strategic partner for our company".


Inser’s portfolio consists of companies belonging to the industrial sector, multiutilities, services and public bodies for a total of over 110 million euros of intermediated premiums; also has a structured network of foreign companies that allow risk protection in the five continents.


"Ours is a company of Vicenza tradition that has won the trust of companies - explains Alberto Galletti, Managing Director of Agibroker, who joins the "family" Inser with all the organizational structure, "and in this great company we have the opportunity to continue to adhere to our distinctive principles of Made in Italy but also to strengthen the offer and covers, opening up to new services and improvement paths. The respect of people and their human and professional value, as well as a direct approach to the customer and the construction of a service «tailor made» are common elements to Inser and Agibroker on which we will continue to work grafting new projects".


"This step represents a great opportunity for us - added Luca Rondina who, together with Barbara Rigolon, directs the current Inser offices in Vicenza, ”We will start immediately a program of continuous training of new staff, aimed at sharing business procedures and playing team but it is with the new services that you can get the greatest benefits for customers".


Following the regulatory and market evolution, Inser has developed Risk Management, Risk Assessment and Crisis Management solutions and has created an International Division that, through the worldwide network Aesis, offers support to Italian companies operating abroad and to foreign companies operating in Italy. "An important advantage for the industrial fabric - concludes Barbara Rigolon -. "The pandemic then raised the demand for benefits to protect human resources and Inser has developed interesting exclusive health care solutions for employees, managers and collaborators".


Covid-19 and the Credit Risk

Covid-19 and the Credit Risk

Webinar GIA | Gruppo Imprese Artigiane

How to address the current economic environment by hedging trade receivables
Thursday 4 June 2020 3.30 pm

Gruppo Imprese Artigiane, in collaboration with Inser Spa, offers a "webinar" dedicated to credit risk management in the current Covid-19 emergency context. The webinar will then present the opportunities and advantages of credit insurance as a strategic tool in crisis management and future economic recovery, and the main economic players in the sector.


Mutua MiTutela: renewed the agreement between Ascom Parma and Inser

Mutua MiTutela: renovated
the agreement between Ascom Parma and Inser

Renewed the agreement between Ascom Parma and Inser for Mutua Mitutela. The agreement, dedicated to supplementary health care for business owners, their families and employees, will allow them to access the services offered by MiTutela that includes solutions, health plans, tax breaks and contributions with exclusive features.


Inser Spa: the start of the International Division

Inser Spa: the start of the International Division

2019, the anniversary of the 40th anniversary of Inser Spa, has proved to be a year full of news for the company that recently launched the new International Division led by David Lee Rodriguez.

Inser Spa’s International Division has officially joined the AESIS network, Network of Independent Insurance Brokers (https///, in order to guarantee an accurate service to its customersnetwork of correspondents covering more than 60 countries in the world. AESIS guarantees companies operating abroad high levels of service and technical expertise in the field of insurance and risk management.

Inser Spa’s official entry into the Network took place during the AESIS international meeting held recently in Lisbon. David Lee Rodriguez, President of the network, represented us in this initiative and this is for our company a source of great pride and satisfaction.

To David our congratulations and best wishes for good work!


Risk Management: a full immersion training day

Risk Management: a full immersion training day

Interesting day of training of the staff of Inser Spa held at the Congress Hall of the Palazzo delle Professioni in Brescia by Eng. Vaccaroni of All Consulting entitled "Risk Management".
